Welcome to Workforce

Register For 2024/2025

About You

Contact Information

Same as contact address

Personal Details


Additional Information

School Visit from Workforce
Attended Workforce Schools Programme
Career Service
Workforce Website
Workforce Social Media
Family Support Services
Other (Please specify below)


Please be advised that you will be required to supply a bank statement when you commence training at Workforce Training Services. If you do not have a bank account, please tick this box and Workforce will issue you with a letter to open an account with Danske Bank in the Kennedy Centre.
I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above information is correct.
Please be advised that all learners enrolling in the childcare course will be required to undergo a background check through Access NI. This is a mandatory process to ensure the safety and well-being of children under your care. Your cooperation in completing this check is essential for your participation in the course